My first brazed lug! I bit more brass than I probably needed so the cleanup was a bit much. I do think that the penetration of the joint was good though. I did some cold setting on it and it did not flinch. Overall I am pleased with the newbie attempt.
Getting Down Tube Length – Frame Layout
With the bottom bracket / seat tube down I can pull the down tube length from the drawing. Carefully aligning the frame over the drawing with the help of a machinist square and v-blocks I can now scribe the lines where the down tube intersects the bottom bracket. Also note, only the lug is only attached to the head tube at this point.

Frame Building -ST/ BB Weld Done!
The seat tube is brazed in the bottom bracket shell. I can start pulling off the rest of the dimensions from the drawing. I am using a reasonably flat surface from and old cast iron table saw.
Bottle Tree
A few more vintage bicycles…..
Frame Drawing – Using the Paterek Method
Drawing out the first frame. Pretty much completed the drawing so I can get my final tube lengths and cut the final miters.
Drafting Table up and Running
Went old school and picked up a drafting table to hand draw my bicycle frames on!
Details and pics coming soon…