Black Diamond Files 1946 Catalog
1946 Black Diamond Files Catalog: Nicholson File Company
Stump Anvil – Sawyer Type?
Great early Stump Anvil. Came out of a logging camp in Maine. Basically a portable anvil, shop made, that was used on logging sites. Fell a tree, hollow the stump to accept the hardy-esque end and use in on site until you move on.
Baldor 1/3HP Grinder – Done Enough
Finished up the Baldor Model 610 – Not typically my style to paint but it was far enough gone that it needed it. Fun little project – going to start working on cleaning up a older Rockwell Double Carbide Grinder Soon .. actually underway but will post some pics shortly.
RaspberryPi on AWS IoT – MQTT simple PubSub Example
Simple RaspberryPi B+ with BMP180 and LED on GPIO22 for demonstration of AWS/IOT with MQTT. The following code was modified from the Connecting your RaspberryPi to AWS IoT tutorial.
* Copyright 2010-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
from AWSIoTPythonSDK.MQTTLib import AWSIoTMQTTClient
import logging
import time
import argparse
import json
#import for GPIO Usage on RaspberryPi
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
#Pins for LED Example
# Import / Setup BMP Sensor
import Adafruit_BMP.BMP085 as BMP085
sensor = BMP085.BMP085()
AllowedActions = ['both', 'publish', 'subscribe']
# Custom MQTT message callback
# Added Temp info from BMP Sensor and logic to turn on/off led
# when temp above 20.2C
def customCallback(client, userdata, message):
print("Received a new message: ")
Mytemp = json.loads(message.payload)
print (Mytemp['Temp'])
if (Mytemp['Temp'] > 20.2):
print("from topic: ")
# Read in command-line parameters
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-e", "--endpoint", action="store", required=True, dest="host", help="Your AWS IoT custom endpoint")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--rootCA", action="store", required=True, dest="rootCAPath", help="Root CA file path")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--cert", action="store", dest="certificatePath", help="Certificate file path")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--key", action="store", dest="privateKeyPath", help="Private key file path")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", action="store", dest="port", type=int, help="Port number override")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--websocket", action="store_true", dest="useWebsocket", default=False,
help="Use MQTT over WebSocket")
parser.add_argument("-id", "--clientId", action="store", dest="clientId", default="basicPubSub",
help="Targeted client id")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--topic", action="store", dest="topic", default="sdk/test/Python", help="Targeted topic")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", action="store", dest="mode", default="both",
help="Operation modes: %s"%str(AllowedActions))
parser.add_argument("-M", "--message", action="store", dest="message", default="Hello World!",
help="Message to publish")
args = parser.parse_args()
host = args.host
rootCAPath = args.rootCAPath
certificatePath = args.certificatePath
privateKeyPath = args.privateKeyPath
port = args.port
useWebsocket = args.useWebsocket
clientId = args.clientId
topic = args.topic
if args.mode not in AllowedActions:
parser.error("Unknown --mode option %s. Must be one of %s" % (args.mode, str(AllowedActions)))
if args.useWebsocket and args.certificatePath and args.privateKeyPath:
parser.error("X.509 cert authentication and WebSocket are mutual exclusive. Please pick one.")
if not args.useWebsocket and (not args.certificatePath or not args.privateKeyPath):
parser.error("Missing credentials for authentication.")
# Port defaults
if args.useWebsocket and not args.port: # When no port override for WebSocket, default to 443
port = 443
if not args.useWebsocket and not args.port: # When no port override for non-WebSocket, default to 8883
port = 8883
# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger("AWSIoTPythonSDK.core")
streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# Init AWSIoTMQTTClient
myAWSIoTMQTTClient = None
if useWebsocket:
myAWSIoTMQTTClient = AWSIoTMQTTClient(clientId, useWebsocket=True)
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.configureEndpoint(host, port)
myAWSIoTMQTTClient = AWSIoTMQTTClient(clientId)
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.configureEndpoint(host, port)
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.configureCredentials(rootCAPath, privateKeyPath, certificatePath)
# AWSIoTMQTTClient connection configuration
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.configureAutoReconnectBackoffTime(1, 32, 20)
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.configureOfflinePublishQueueing(-1) # Infinite offline Publish queueing
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.configureDrainingFrequency(2) # Draining: 2 Hz
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.configureConnectDisconnectTimeout(10) # 10 sec
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.configureMQTTOperationTimeout(5) # 5 sec
# Connect and subscribe to AWS IoT
if args.mode == 'both' or args.mode == 'subscribe':
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.subscribe(topic, 1, customCallback)
# Publish to the same topic in a loop forever
loopCount = 10
while True:
Temp = sensor.read_temperature()
print ("TEMP: " + str(Temp))
if args.mode == 'both' or args.mode == 'publish':
message = {}
message['Temp'] = Temp
message['sequence'] = loopCount
messageJson = json.dumps(message)
myAWSIoTMQTTClient.publish(topic, messageJson, 1)
if args.mode == 'publish':
print('Published topic %s: %s\n' % (topic, messageJson))
loopCount += 1
python basicPubSub.py -e YOURAWSIOTSHADOW.us-east-1.amazonaws.com -r root-CA.crt -c MyRasp.cert.pem -k MyRasp.private.key
I am still learning the AWS IoT basics and have posted this as a reminder to myself as to how it got setup. I planned on refining this into tutorial but really did not see the need as the AWS Samples are pretty good. Connecting your RaspberryPi to AWS IoT is your best place to start.
Preliminary Works – Kicking out Stuff
Kicking around some sculpture….that is all.
American Beauty 3125 Soldering Iron
Found this soldering iron while organizing the shop. Not sure where/when I got it. Must have been an auction box lot. Looked it up and found American Beauty is still going strong. Was able to pickup some replacement tips and set screws (yes, could have got those anywhere but was too easy not to order them with the tips).
It heats up great and really gets the job done. Posted a few pics of some initial tinning. Certainly an industrial / production type iron, no bells and whistles, not even a switch. Going to try tinning some thin cable (bicycle – brake and shift).
Baldor 1/3 hp Bench Grinder Cleanup
The recent Foley Belt Sander/Grinder went so well I could not help myself. Eyed this one from the roadside at local residence close to home. Been exposed to the weather for almost too long. Plugged her in and she fired right up and in classic Baldor form took 10 minutes to stop spinning after turning off. Was not going to re-paint but now I am in deep so what the heck. Came apart relatively easily (nice to work on quality products). Missing side covers – may have to make some or deal without.
Foley Belt Sander Grinder Model 371
Nifty little 1×42Belt Grinder/Sander made by Rockwell for Foley. It is basically the same as the Rockwell 31-350. Freebie from a barn clean-out (Thanks MB!). Took some scouting around for replacement wheels but alas a shout out to James Liechty (jimliechty@yahoo.com) who has sourced replacement pulleys and other parts for these and offers them at very reasonable prices.
Took her apart, cleaned up all the saw dust cake, installed new wheels for sanding belts, replaced one v-belt pulley, replaced the power cord (not done yet) and that was pretty much it. My initial thoughts when it showed up were it was pretty flimsy construction and the plastic wheels made me skeptical but all those thoughts have passed now that it is up and running. Runs great, hit a few pieces of metal with it, no problem.

First Plunge Type Form Tool for Lathe
Messing around on the turret lathe got me re-interested in creating some forming tools. I have watched enough videos to be dangerous and gave it a shot. First tool is pretty crude but I was glad to see it cut as well as it did.
Cut shape on mill with tapered end mill and finished up on a grinder. Got cherry red with torch and quenched with water (I know, more work to do studying heat treating – but it cuts). Finish not great but I spend zero time on the honing/sharpening.